Have you ever been so captivated by somebody’s lips That you get lost in the touch of their fingertips So deep that oxygen can no longer find you Instead you breathe her thoughts, So that may you further understand the matrix that is her mind And time utterly binds you because your body can only take so much You break free then rush to the surface only being able to inhale the idea of love The intangible becoming quite tangible Creating the ocean you were originally drowned in Excuse me, your lost? Well re-trace your steps and you’ll find when you were drawn in, Caught, Or for a lack of better words, Taught That your heart rebels
Truth or Fable? Could a new world really exist and be able, to enrich our lives? Columbus thought so He sailed there so that he may find the worlds’ treasures and claim them for his own The idea of love is selfish A single word that describes an entire race Similar and yet so different It’s a mutual journey with various results Selfless We share it Because like in the pride lands The circle of life represents a cycle that we all are a part of So in the end we will all find it And to our last dying breath we remember those who we’ve hold deep in our hearts Hopefully at that time we’ve instilled our lessons into the future So that the cycle becomes full circle and goes on and on…