Is it senseless when the young die? Is it without purpose? Were they unable to live a life of meaning just because they had so little time here?
I have seen them lost, all around me for a very long time. 13. 14. 15. 15. 16. 17. 17. 17. 18. 23. 23. 60. 64. 64. Were you able to live lives full of purpose? Were you able to prove to us that you swept this broken world into dizzying thrill while you were here?
If I could ask, would you tell me that you regretted it? That you only wanted just a little more time. We wanted that for you as well. With all our hearts.
Were your last thoughts profound? I'd like to think that they weren't. No one seems to understand the comfort I get in the idea that the last thought to cross your mind would be a mundane one. Would Spider-man be able to beat G.I. Joe? Is there something wrong with my CD player? I like swiss cheese, I don't care what they say about it.
I am comforted by your humanity. Big and small. I hope your last thoughts were small. I hope that when your light went out, so early in your day, that you weren't plagued by questions unanswered. I think you made an impact. I don't want to think your deaths were senseless.