It’s cheerful to know there’s a generation who only know: The Men in Black as Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.
My mother worked on the radio she’d give advice, answered agony letters. But her generation lived in the time of the Dictators, so powerless and chicken-chick was the Law to stop the Men in Black: Roman Catholic priests to be exact. And they told how it was to be … according to them ******* were forbidden so she had to hand me, her daughter Valeria to a nurse, a nun: who’d as much contempt for my mother, as the shame that was waiting at home.
Then she very slowly drowned in a fire of smoke and whiskey. You just can’t take a child from someone Not like that. Not because … someone who once wrote that someone might’ve once said suffer the little children.
If it had been any other Corporation — nailed to the ******* cross.