My grandson came to live with us today. It costs a lot to have an extra boy. It costs so much for modern boys to play; No longer such things as a dollar toy. He eats enough for four and then eats more. His high priced clothes must have a hole or tear. His pants are low and dragging on the floor; His cheeks covered only by underwear. It seems my truck is always low on gas I let him drive; I know life here seems dull. And the dear boy is always out of cash* He never fills the tank completely full. In spite of all heβs really not a care Weβd rather have him here than have him there
*author is aware that lines 9 and 11 are a false rhyme, but I have chosen to keep it as for the integrity of the poem.
Copyright to Londis Carpenter; released to Public Domain 9/21/2010