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Feb 2014
Snowflakes** adorn my skin, i’ve never been partial to the cold. The sky is
Red and i wonder briefly is blood could be reflected upon the sky. My
Nailpolish is chipped and i remember how you once said you liked it that way during that
Ice storm that kept us trapped in your cabin. The
Crunch of the snow under my feet sooth me for some reason. You’d freak out if you saw how
***** i was.
Leaves dance around me. Its getting
Darker, I wish you were here with me. I finally reach the
Gravel and i’m sure i stepped into glass. It sliced into my skin like
Screwdrivers drilling into the earth.You’d kiss the boo boo with your soft lips and caramel eyes.
Tongue pressed against my teeth i hobble farther away from the forest
Blood trailing behind me. It was just
Yesterday you were chasing me around this very forest stealing kisses every now and then.
Sorry i sent you away. Im sorry you let me.
This poem came out of an activity I had to do for my creative writing class. Our teacher gave us the first word for fourteen lines and we had to provide a poem to go along with it. This was the outcome.
Kimberly Santana
Written by
Kimberly Santana
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