I'm alright with stepping stones Water is my second best friend Next to match boxes and lighters. The moss that grows is deathly Afraid of my feet I make it a habit to giggle When they run from my soles So they know I'm coming When and if I reach the riverbank, A boy in my left hand and Pens tucked behind my ears, Paper and ink running through My veins. The fish will hear my foot steps A mile out for their lack of sound Clay crowds in on itself as I Approach again The water, always flowing Stops mid-current for fear I will find my pale blue eyes Similar to its outer layer. Some best friend. But I'll return with a boy In my left hand, pens falling From my hair and no paper or Ink in my idiotic blood Ridden veins. I'll come back to the Fleeing fish, Crowding clay, Wary water, And those ****** Stepping stones. I've run all out of Match boxes and lighters.