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Feb 2014
Have you ever had one perfect moment?
You look around and see nothing wrong with what's happening
You forget everything
And enjoy the people around you
Imagine this
My perfect moment
In a car
Darkness consumed the view outside the frosty windows
Yellow streetlights were glowing
Our faces slightly illuminated, by the pale distant moonlight
A loving arm around me
Screaming at the top of our lungs
Casually sneaking in kisses
Crisp winter air seeping in from the windows
Each strike of the piano in this song brings me one second closer to the end of my jubilant moment
I'm running out of time
This worries me
Once the song is over
Problems will take over my mind once again
Pain will consume my thoughts
I only have a few seconds left of bliss
So I take it in
Slow breath
Look at his perfect smile
We are about to get out of this car
Tender kiss
Back into hard reality
But every time I hear that song
I get to be reminded of how it was
How perfect the moment is
How truly happy I can be.
Aolani Gartman
Written by
Aolani Gartman  USA
   Terry Gartman
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