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Feb 2014
I finally got what I wanted
The wild teen crazed life
Blasting subs
Laughing, stories, aimlessly driving around
Stopping anywhere we can adventure, raise hell, bring joy, and connect with strangers
Anything to make our mark
Wild screaming laughs pour out of the windows every single night
So free
Holding onto that childish ignorance
Nothing matters when we are all together
You get to forget the pointless homework
Forget family problems
And get absorbed into the music and talks
You get to fill your mind with raging giggles, endless jokes
All those movie moments you never thought would happen
Pointless, mindless destruction
Embrace the reckless teen years
Live without responsibly
While you can
Aolani Gartman
Written by
Aolani Gartman  USA
   Terry Gartman
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