the moment fades and you had thought to capture to page but her rapid flow escapes your hand's words and pen falters its speech denied you find yourself on cold granite steps to silent tower who skin garnished with vine lending it a ancient aspect to its modern line belies
once taken to wing but tamed by the confused winds you falter back to the roost of your thoughts to mend your plans and stock your blades you eye the approaching storms and gauge you delemias once taken to wing a man can think of little more once taken to wing a man will fight to the death to reattain the air on wing that ebb and floe that razors edge of death that freedom of flight it will gnaw his conscience disturb his dreams till he rides wind once again ever eyes to the quick skys ever one hand testing mettle to take to the wing
your pen sings once more its voice rising to symphony and igniting the soul clear and true by divine right in the simple phrases of dawns early light streaming in through the gate the air cool with the heavy scent of summer growth the mind giddy with the pleasures of summers gentle grace toe touch to the waters surface spreads a whisper of a wave across the mirror surface across the lifetimes edges of dull grey waters turn the word slowly its face is its own not mine its dull repetition is the hammer-stroke the heartbeat of.....