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Feb 2014
I feel unaccepted like a ugly duckling in swarm of beautiful swans
I feel as if I'm living but I'm not truly alive yet
Like a part of me drifted away in the rhythm of the breeze
I feel that i want to start over with a new dignity
All these feeling however drift away at one moment
the moment i sing my life goes in one direction and i know where i am
and i don't feel lonely
When i don't sing i see different directions for every thing,
but when i do every thing pours out all my pain, happiness, sorrow that i keep hidden inside just bursts out like fire works
My whole life people said how music takes them some where magical
and now I finally understand music takes me to a place where all bad is turned good, where all sadness is turned into happiness, and most of all when the feeling of un-acceptance is turned into the feeling of acceptance!!!
Written by
Aria Nair  america
   Henna Nair
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