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Sep 2010
She reached out, as I poured a bleeding heart on paper
"Don't ever write to me", with a ****
Black letters, scatter all over my green love

I slept, dreaming of animal cries
Seeds engaged in birthing
Woke up with a cosmic tree growing all over a belly

Desert spaces in my heart, too heavy to
drown in the sea, on the wings of my longing
So I walked and did

Love showers
Happiness, togetherness, Bonds
And Sorrow

As the sun rushes into the night
The sea reaches out hold him
In depths of her love

Everyday and Night I write one verse and share with my friends and here is few of them... I hope you will enjoy them.

Om Namah Shivaya
From Twitter posts...
I am on Twitter now with this handle @VerseEveryDay
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