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Feb 2014
I see you as you go about your business always looking good because for some reason that is one thing you aren't able to fail at, yet sadly that's as far as it goes.

A well dressed mannequin with beautiful features but hollow on the inside. The pain reflected in your eyes reveals a hurt so deep, I'm not even sure you can be revived. And yet here I am with my super-woman complex hoping it's not too late for your soul.

I know I'm not able to save the world but I'll try where God permits me to. My main goal is just to help you see the light beyond darkness is where your soul calls home, learning to let go of old baggage and ultimately finding inner peace.

Hey you, yes you...
It's only the beginning
Strawberry Sunflower
Written by
Strawberry Sunflower  Johannesburg, SA
(Johannesburg, SA)   
   Jackie Andary
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