you look at me, know my name and my age and then judge. in your mind roses are red and in my mind roses are white. in your mind to get 7 you can add 3 and 4 but you don't care that 5 plus 2 also 7. in your mind the sky is so high that none will reach it but in other's mind the sky is right above the tree.
it's only because the way I'm thinking is different with yours and you blame me for everything.
which one is right which one is wrong
what is actually right why things could be called as right when the others are not why do you think you are right when the definition of right isn't absolute?
only because people think the same way with yours doesn't mean the others are wrong
may I ask you? are you a human? do human have ego? yeah of course do human have feeling? yeah of course do human have different characters? indeed.
but do every of them remember those and tolerare it?
- do I have to go left when nothing is right, or do I have to go right when nothing is left -