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Feb 2014
Hey what what what are you doing?
Put that effing knife down!
This isn't how it's supposed to end,
This isn't why I came to town!

You wanted to see me, I'm here now,
Instead you just screaming at me, asking how
I'm gonna find all the money to pay you back,
This is out of whack!

My system's compromised, yo!
I'm running on empty,
I got no money for gas,
But I got plenty
Of blood in my veins
And you're gonna see,
I'mma make it rain,
Until I bleed.

And then you'll be stuck,
Look at me while I smile,
Throw your hands up and say, f*%$,
Where were you all this while?
Kopter Zero
Written by
Kopter Zero  United States
(United States)   
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