You’ll never see the pain behind her smile Even though she’s been down for a while She tries to act like nothing is wrong But sometimes it’s hard to be so strong She’ll never tell others what she has been through Because she knows if she does exactly what they’ll do They’ll start to judge her and it will be the end Of ever calling any of them her friend Why would they be if they knew What it is that her parents do? They always seem to be putting her down And she feels like this sets her apart from the crowd So she’ll never let her friends know about her pain But if she did she’d be surprised by what she’d gain. They have their own secrets too, although they’ll never tell That they’ve all been through their own personal hell It seems like they find each other without being in the know; Like their personal pain helps their friendship to grow So they all put up a wall and act like nothing is wrong All while they sing the lyrics to the very same song They pray for the day when the wall will go away But until then they all have nothing to say
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