In the back of my mind I hear them chiming ever so softly They ring with a clarity That nothing could-
Shut up, you child That will be the death of you In the end because puppets Should not be so Attracted to their poison Do you want to shatter?
They are silver and polished With trumpets sounding Behind their tones And there has never been-
This is for the weak at heart If you do that, nothing will Change but the fact that Everything will be stolen From you again Do you want to be like your mother?
A white dress flows down The aisle and violins play The march of the powerful And we think that-
Get over yourself child No one will ever want you like that She's just lying so that You won't be so afraid of What you will do to her Don't you understand that-
No. I love her. She loves me. Stop with your petty games You killer piece of my head. It's not today or two years away. But ****** One day She will ask And I won't Let you get in her way.