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Feb 2014
I was given today as a gift.
I am not promised tomorrow, or guaranteed another week, month or year.
It is possible I won't even make it to tomorrow.
But today, right now, is special.
Each second that passes is the beginning of the unknown.
God's plan for me is not written down, recorded, or posted for me to see.
And I'm okay with not knowing.
Because my God is bigger than anything I could possible encounter on this earth.
And that's pretty cool, if you ask me.
Because the people around me aren't entitled to anything more or less than I am.
And I would hate to miss out on an opportunity to pass on the love and grace given to me by my Heavenly Father.
I pray that each moment I continue to live be purposeful, and intentional.
My words, full of kindness.
My actions, full of love.
Pacifica Northwest
Written by
Pacifica Northwest  Grand Rapids
(Grand Rapids)   
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