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Feb 2014
Just who am I as a person
well let's see
I'm random and awkward
and more than slightly crazy
I have messy hair
and I'm kind of sarcastic
I don't know if life is real
or if I am fantastic
I'm a massive ******
believe me I'm not joking
the dark still scares me
and I'm little bit heartbroken
I can be rude
because I'm hardly polite
things like birds and moths they scare me
but only when they take flight
I have a strange sense of humor
and I love the idea of magic
but I know it can't exist in this world
which I guess is kind of tragic
I write about
what I care about
so why am I writing about myself
I'll let you know when I figure it out
unless I forget...
I guess it's kinda like a bio.
Karl Franssen aka Bryson Flegg
Written by
Karl Franssen aka Bryson Flegg  That Place Where I'm From
(That Place Where I'm From)   
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