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Sep 2010
The heat of your gaze is piercing my skin
Is penetrating the wall I had erected around me
It's testing every limit
And finding every crack in my, otherwise, immaculate facade
Even the tiniest flaw has grown giant
And the slightest push
Brings it all crashing down
Defying even the strongest of barriers
The force being pressed against me in undeniable
I'll have to submit
I lose ground every second
To your perfection
The glint in your eye
Speaks of a delicious evil
That I can't help but yearn for
And the more I hold myself down
The more I find myself reaching out
Just to have another taste
Of the treasures you bring me
My resistance amuses you
And you encourage my refusals
Just so you can feel yourself break me again and again
Every time you take me
The battle is yours
Written by
Jami Morton
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