I don't understand how one things turns into another how you turn around and it's gone the time the place the memory swept right away it's confusing this disappearance and you cry out hoping against hope that it's hiding right in front of you but the more you go on the more you lose and most of the time you don't even realize it you just discover it one day that everything isn't as it once was and you're floating along a different path it's better than it just being ripped away it's better than that free fall feeling the one where it seems like you'll never reach land and when you do you are crushed into a million tiny pieces and you pick each one up and try to fit yourself back together only to realize that you'll never be able to find all the pieces you'll forever be only a part of what you once where and all those bits you lose those are what you long for most you can't miss what you still have so you dwell on that that got away that which abandoned you or that got lost I'm just trying to understand it all that silly game of life we play we never get what we set out for no matter what you might think we're all just pawns for others just pieces of one giant puzzle that we will never see completed because it's not ours it never was ours and it never will be