just give it to the beggar boy you found along the woodland path, can't you afford this price to pay for just one fleeting shadow laugh? finding breadcrumbs scattered between the roots of trees so deep, so dark. The Ether where his secrets teem blind worms spared from broken hearts
autumn leaves, so generous they just keep giving golden fish set swimming through the air
trees' warm blood sacrificed like droplets from the living twig finger veins dripping by winter beware.
daisy chains knotted with denial through summer I wove with sky speckled feathers shed from free wings to teach my cloak But the beggar boy he shivered with the Nordic winds so I gave him mine Now the aching leaves and I both freeze because my body's weaker than my pride
autumn leaves, so generous they just keep giving golden fish set swimming through the air
trees' warm blood sacrificed like droplets from the living twig finger veins dripping by winter beware.
stop coming round here, beggar boy I've nothing left but my own mind it was what you always wanted most so just let the path wind
stop coming round here beggar boy I've nothing left but my own heart Written all over with his summer days I hope these words aren't so sharp.
Beggar boy, too broken to plead. I won't go as the autumn leaves.
Beggar boy, his broken dreams. I won't go as the autumn leaves.