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Sep 2010

My face in the mirror stares back with stranger’s eyes.
Terror is there and so is surprise.
I glance at the clock on the table to find
Hours have passed since I was last in my mind.

Red paint is splattered everywhere I look
Who did this to my perfect house?  Who ruined my perfect look?
I look back at the mirror and see
I have that red paint splashed all over me.

Oh, God help the person who did this to me!
I always look good. No one can ever see…
Where is my husband?  I know he is home.
I made his favorite dinner.  A huge steak, a T- bone.

“Baby, where are you?  You need to see this mess.
They ruined my makeup, my hair and my dress.
Oh, there you are, Sweetie.  Get up off the floor.
Why don’t you answer me?  Baby?  I have more…”

“Good Lord, why is that knife in your back?
Get up, get up!  I might get attacked!
You are so stubborn!  Just stay on the floor!
I’ll handle this my way, while me you ignore.”

“I’ll clean up the paint and make our home right.
I just wish you always didn’t have to fight.”
“The steak is too tough and the potato is cold.”
You made me do this.  You made me act bold."

“You lay there now all cold and all dead.
While I’m all alone, a lady in red.
I don’t look good in this color, it washes me out.
See what you did when you started to shout?”

“You made me lose my lady like self.
I remember now.  I took the knife off the shelf.
You laughed at me and called me a *****.
Well, whose laughing now, you cold *******?”
9/18/2010  Peggy Montgomery
Dark Paradox
Written by
Dark Paradox
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