Stumble. Stumble then fall. Falling, I’m falling in an endless abyss of darkness. I’m lonely and I’m not sure where I’m going to find myself after this fall. This fall is taking forever and I just want to start going up. But how when I’m falling down to fast to even stop myself? How do I change directions and go up? Downward is where I’m heading and I’m scared. Scared to be alone, scared to fall too far. What if I can’t go up? What if I’m stuck in the dark forever with no light down at the bottom of this deep, seemingly endless, hole. I am stuck, with no light for guidance. I’m stuck. Where my cries have been silenced and it’s no use calling for help. If anyone could hear me they wouldn’t care. They are used to me falling because I’ve been falling for so long, its become natural for me to go on falling and being ignored by anyone who hears my faint screams. And this is the end, this is how I will spend the rest of my time, in an endless fall alone and in the dark because there is no way up.