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Feb 2014
I was born in 93
in a town I don't remember.
A place I never see

on the boarder of Luxembourg,
Bitburg Germany.

I was always running away.
ready to explore, always something to say.
Having no fear at 5, throwing tantrums
when things weren't right.

I've hurt, but I know my hurt doesn't compare
I've struggled, but I know my struggle doesn't amount
I've prayed, but I know my prayers are quiet.

I've looked in the mirror, frustrated with what i see
thinking that through a perfect body I would be free

I've lied to myself, trying to climb to somewhere I've never been
hoping to escape the reality of what was and will be

I've given my heart away
looked to the sky looking for refugee
hoping the sky will give me peace.

I've slept through pain
when I felt the heart break and ache.
I've had troubles breathing when
my emotions take control.

I breathe knowing I can breathe out hate
and breathe in peace.

I lost myself in another person,
when i know we aren't right.
I fight and I fight.

I don't know whats wrong with me
why I fight and he spites me.
I've felt my control slip
and my reason come 2nd.

20 still searching and breathing
still fighting for my dreams.
hoping I will live in harmony
in peace..
Written by
Amelia  F/I wander
(F/I wander)   
   Parker Smith
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