Acedia My god it's 3 in the afternoon And still I have yet to move, My slothful torso Curling into a comma To hide my face from what rests Beyond my maroon sheets.
Avaritia I want to enjoy this moment Without feeling guilt For letting the sunlight Filter through my black curtains Onto my fuzzy, outstretched legs.
Superbia There are some days When I refuse to let myself Have this Peace. Today is not that day. The knowledge makes me smile. Softly.
Gula I rose only once To make orange spice tea And to eat sugar cookies With lemon frosting. They're delicious, and I can't be Brought to care That I won't be burning Them off later.
Luxuria I sometimes wish, Fleetingly, That I had someone to share This feeling with. Someone to curl into Quotations with. I sigh into my pillow, Slowly.
Ira I grow upset with myself For wanting something - For wanting anything - I see red, But only for a moment. I couldn't have this peace, I knew as much, So the heat quickly fades.
Invidia* Still, the people who Allow themselves such Simple pleasure, Such halcyon, Are who I wish to be.