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Feb 2014
The weight of her screams like shattered glass,
Piece by piece drawing blood,
Shouting and reminiscing over the past,
The painful memories streaming in a flood

Her words tearing up my flesh inside,
Leaving every part of me to ache,
There is no place left for me to hide,
She wants to see how easily I can break

She switches her words to violence,
Beating me until my flesh turns an eerie blue,
Telling me that I was a mistake
That she will never forgive what I do

She beats me until I can't move,
Left cringing in pain and feeling weak,
She has something to prove,
Something she needs to seek

I look into her wounded emerald eyes
I can see all the way down to her soul,
The look leaves me memerized,
Her infliction  is beginning to take a tole

I have become her outlet to anger,
The only one who is left to care
To herself and others she is a danger
There is vulnerability under her glare

I almost want to comfort her,
To tell her that I understand,
But I have no forgiveness,
She made me who I am
Ariel Leann
Written by
Ariel Leann
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