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Feb 2014
that's all I want.
I don't mean sleep,
that I can manage.
My body will shut down for 8 hours at a time,
and my body will be ready to do another day's worth of work.
But my mind won't reset.
Why can't I just rest?
I just want recovery,
a break, for God's sake.
I've got all day to think on it.
And I think it's you.
I think my mind
more, my heart,
can't go on without you.
Or...something like that...
I can't figure it out.
I know you don't love me,
you said as much,
but I feel like I need you anyways.
It doesn't make sense,
and I hate it with every fiber of my body,
but it's how it is.
I want it FIXED!
I just want to rest...
Written by
Tom Cooney
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