the common words used don't qualify as diction hold no versimilitude leave me to ponder what is so compelling about the word like that you have to use it several times in every sentence?
i hail a car in time's square i'm going to Harvard the world's premier academy where i won't be asked to stop using "big words" but instead receive diatribes for being prolix because they're too pretentious to admit ignorance
you! how dare you try to say you never shoved your tongue down my throat no fancy words no "flowery fluff" there it is, now fight it!
I hide in my room pain isn't pellucid in the dark
EEEE! it's a womanizer mujeriego or a bat... murcielago i always mixed up those two words an idee fixe
as i declaim to anyone who will listen in my Faux-cab-you!-lair-EEEEE!