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Feb 2014
The river told tales in an indecipherable tongue
Consisting of broken sticks and faulty logs
The ability to perceive and interpret hides in the ominous jungles outlining the river
Clangorous sounds fill the night with despondency
Though the current drags on
Keeping it's promise
A dense heat swells over the atmosphere as you struggle to find a clear breath
And the key to happiness?
It wasn't discovered underneath the doormat  nor was it found at the depths of the river
It flows consistently to the beat of your heart
Encompassing every thought you ever wished to withhold
But a secret lingers in the undulations of the current-
Dragging and taunting, the fear of the unknown
Shelter and boats are out of sight and mind
But the struggle to hold on is never as arduous as it is now
Branch by branch the crackling disrupts the birds rest
And the fish swim along knowingly accepting the ambiguity of life's greatest question
Frustration piles with the rocks in the sand nearby
Alluding Him to believe you're unworthy of whatever the river carries
But it takes time to learn a language
And it takes time to forget one
For so long you've spoken through negative imagery like the
Sullen stars begging for love
And the morose journey to the fatal waterfall
How can one possibly switch to the language of the river!
Soft and slow, serene and tranquil
Yet as loud and bursting with vivacity as ever
Kaleidoscope visions summoned it here, through the power of hope
The kind of substance that lifts the heavy burdens away from aching shoulders
The river never laughs nor does it cry
Respect is mutual and the blossoming flowers agree
That an indifferent tone is all that's needed to put faith inside a belief
The incoherent sentence fragments the current whispers regarding the key to happiness
Can only be interpreted through an individual's own mind
Energetic yellow suns consume the vacant blackness of the night sky
Optic white clouds devour the essence of cobalt blue skies in the frigid environment
Indifference and a sense of direction is all it takes
To decipher the rivers message-
And it always keeps it's promises
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