When I'm not with you I feel as if A part of me has been ripped away, and I'm left only with my sorrowful soul And my thoughts of you.
I never got what all the love songs meant You complete me I've never loved someone like you My heart yearns for you My being aches for you I want to hold you always Until you showed me in your gentle way
My mind is so filled with thoughts of you I can't focus on anything else. Even this poem is sporadic. As my thoughts spill onto this virtual page they drip with my yearning for you. You're all I ever want and it's miserable not having you with me always
All these words and more I want to whisper softly in your ear As I stroke your cheek and feel your soft hair between my fingers, But you're broken, And you have become so jumbled That I must restrain myself from telling you I love you and asking you To never leave