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Sep 2010
My love is a curse
I smother them with my body
Hug them
Kiss them
Hold them
Talk to them
Never to let them go
I love them so much
I feel as though I could never live with out them
Hug them
Kiss them
Hold them
Never let them go
I never want to let them go
Until I realize that I am not in love with anything
I have stopped them from doing anything and everything they have wanted
Never letting them be themselves
Never letting them out of my sight
Never letting them move an inch unless I say so
I am their commander
Their guiding hand
Only I don’t guide
I demand
Only to realize
What I am holding in my hand
Is death
I have killed them
Killed their will
Killed the sense of being alive
I have smothered them to death
The one person I love has just died
I didn’t let them breathe
I have put the pillow over them and suffocated them with my love.
I am alone
No one to love
No one to hug
No one to kiss
Nothing to hold
This love is a curse
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