You can't swallow a yawn like you can swallow a pill, but yet you try and then you pay by the bill because the end came near for you after you choked it all down and felt you'd explode. So you call 911 and you pant in their ear the last few breaths you can manage to bear. You arrive with a time of death but a miracle awaited, with your last will your God is who you hated. You wanted to be gone with the tip of a hat, you wanted them to say you weren't coming back but you awake on a bed of white in intensive care with the thought in your mind that this wasn't fair. You just became worse as the days passed you by, and you wanted this done, you wanted to die. You tried it before, you'll try it again, because there are thoughts in your head that are trying to bend. Amnesia remembered you and took you in hold and your brain is the main thing it always patrolled while you lay in that bed to try and get better. I wish I could call you, or write you a letter, but you wouldn't know me since forgetting's your friend now so here's to you, my heart's trying to know how to live and keep living without you right here because now as I look things just don't look clear.