The placebo ticks are numbing my mind After my imaginary friends have all stormed off These Freudian slips are my only comfort As they give me hope that there is something under this rotting facade I swear it was beautiful long ago I know that is hard to believe seeing how it is now But that pile of rubble once was my pride and joy. I built up this faux appearance of self confidence Along with just enough structure as to hold it up but not enough to be real So now, here I am, raw Unprotected against the elements The towering spires attracted them The stone throwers And as expected it came down with the first couple of pebbles But I love those minutes as those spires fell For it was that destruction that made place for the cross That worthless skeleton made way for this hope Hope that I can be more than this facade That I can be this person that I tried so hard to hide away Under layers of protection and false fronts Because that cross told me I was beautiful It told me that I was worth revealing because I was his