Why did your hurt me, when I gave you my love? Was it because I wasn't good enough? I cry, tear after tear, And I wonder why you are not here. You use to call me ''baby girl'', But now you say hurtful things that make my head and heart swirl. You pushed me away when I tried to make things right, And now I am to weak to give another fight. Your words and actions ate at me like a predator devouring its prey, You numbed me, so all I can do is mumble senseless words while I lay. I can see that things are turning for the worse, And I blame myself for being a horrible curse. I am sorry that I hurt you deeply inside, But all you did was tell me meaningless lies. I hope one day you can forgive me, But as of right now let me be. Time will tell me my fate, But I know for sure I wont ever be your bait.