Is being misguided And Our acceptance of ignorance An excuse for the putting out of our sisters and brothers, The killing of our fatherless mothers.
And the let downs of once high values That kept our flaws in check?
Is it the reason why my sisters are getting pregnant To get that monthly check?
Men going to jail for love they haven't paid for yet?
Who's job is it to check mate this legal stale mate or is this just a topic left up for some idiots to debate?
Make a move, Pick a side, I find myself with the rest of America Sitting on the side lines.
Government corrupt People illegal Drugs an issue And money is scarce To get once tax cuts came and take it again One day pass, more die Not physically committing suicide but we hear about the homicides On the streets, my mom praying that it wasn't me.
We watch the news and the crimes it announces with good intentions we in take the foolish statements they make we digest our mistakes with our heartache hoping to drug ourselves enough So the pain will numb.
THe beating of the drums As i wipe sweat from my palms I wish I was different than the normal human But I tend to watch destruction as you do Yet remain unmoved just as fools do.