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Sep 2010
i can not look into your eyes
for i am scared you will
see what is inside

i can not let you in my heart
for i am scared you will
steal it

i can not let you into my mind
for i am scared you will
judge me

i will not look into your eyes
because i am afraid
i will never look away

i will not let you in my heart
because i am afraid
i will never let you leave

i will not let you into my mind
because i am afraid
i will always have your memory

you will not look into my eyes
for i have never let you

you will not be in my heart
for i will never let you in

you will not see whats on my mind
for i will never tell you

for i am afraid, that if i let you in
and then you are taken away

my eyes will never look at another
my heart will never belong to another
my mind will always be on you
copyright 9.14.10 tlb
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