I stared hard at the night. Half drunk in a public park that was still so alive with happy memories.
As a boy I dreamed of becoming nothing. Now all I long to do is this. The words are all so dear to me. They've kept me warm as I laid in cold jail cells and cold hide a ways
I promised myself to free myself of the stress of desire and need. And to in gulf all of what is left of me into this.
Only in the dark can one truly see the shadow of madness that's always one more drink or one more failure behind it all..
I used all of whats hidden in the night as a mirror to the world. Scattered images and the sound of the night bird. Traces of all that lays stark still in the night.
I warmed myself with the last of the bottle. I felt the presence of all that is left of the wild and untamed in the city. The Elder trees stood stone silent in all of their greatness. A testament to the strength and will of nature.
I whispered thanks to the sun even though I felt better without its presence.
The sea crashed and sounded its rage against the edge of the world.
And I sat drunk and alone in a public park without any of the clueless public anywhere near.