Something is different, her smile is rare, What I give to see it upon a face so fair, She cries at night, she doesn’t know I hear, I wish I knew what she may fear. - It festers at me, I know it’s my doing, Of anyone else, I bring all ruin, She no longer sleeps through the night, She leaves the bed to stand outside. - Fathoms deep in her own head, I hear her speak softly, her words lessened, If at all she speaks at first, I wait upon each ******* word. - The fire in her eyes has been quenched to me, The tragic loss to beautiful artistry, For them I’ve doted upon very cold nights, A shell of what she was, my own soul I fight. - We used to walk about the streets, The empty boulevard and speak of dreams, We have since stopped, she has no time, I understand, disturbed she is of this heart of mine.