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Sep 2010
you will always be apart of me
you will always be in my dreams
to you i might just be another ******* that made you cry and stole your dreams,
the one that broke your heart and made you realize its time to grow up,
just another monster hiding behind a mask,
that guy that was to weak to move on and just gave up,
but to me…
you will always be my first love,
that beautiful girl with such innocent daydreams,
even though you were never around… your memory is always alive in my head,
i hope you never grow up and you act the age you wanna be,
if it wasnt for people telling us our age how old would you think you would be
i loved every second of being by your side,
i loved every single word that passed your lips,
i loved how beautiful you look in the moonlight,
i loved how delicious you were on the lips,
i loved how any where i would go i would be able to smell you on me,
i loved how you made me feel like a little kid,
i loved the fact that you loved me,
i hope you do something good with your life
i hope you forget about me and the sorrows i brought you
i hope your doing better then me
i hope to see i love you pass through your lips once more in my life
i hate how i stole your smile and i hate how easily i watched mine slip away
i hate me for allowing myself to just throw you aside
i hate me for everything i did
i just hate me

To: The Girl of My Dreams
From: A Person Who Probably Doesnt Matter Anymore
something a little old
Written by
Fukn Zach
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