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Jan 2014
S can stand for many objects
S can stand for many moments
S can stand for what we want it to be
I know what my S stands for but what does yours?

S, where do I start I guess I start with its a she
She, the one I never want to see
We started off with the same darkness
I can't tell you if I will end with more or less
But there is one thing I will say for you
I will always want it to just be me and you
Just remember what S stands for
And that S doesn't need anything more

Now we are here together
I see that this wasn't just me being clever
But I remember him again
I wish he stopped and even refrained
All he does is ******* around
If I knew him I'd give that sound
S tell me that its fine and ok
But really S wishes it would end today

S could stand for the start
But I know what S means in my heart
There's only one place for treasure
And you fit in with even a measure
Today was the start of something new
And I know you feel that way too
I could not say what will come
Laughter maybe we will see what has to be done

My S stands for what I know
I would put my S on show
I'm proud to show My S to the world
Maybe you should show yours

S can stand for many objects
S can stand for many moments
S can stand for what we want it to be
I know what my S stands for but what does yours?

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