I'll never forget the first time I saw your cherries Who'd have thought I would be so attracted to some berries As I wandered aimlessly from scene to scene from the weird to the wonderful, to the grossly obscene.
Then I happened upon this beautiful sight Suddenly all around me was so still and so quiet Never before had I had such a feeling from a piece of art that was more than appealing
What seemed like a thousand cherries, here before my eyes lovingly depicted by an artist more than wise A painting of fruit had taken on a new dimension One that could easily remove all tension
Each tiny little sphere, with a life of their own had come to live in this new little home some with shadows, some with shine, once fresh and growing wild, now were mine.
I wanted to dive right in, to be in the midst of all sin Enveloped in a strange sensation, would bring much elation To hide beneath all this red, or to lay on top of this bed and close my eyes and take a deep breath I would die happy, if this last breath, brought death
Wrote while looking at artist Lisa Keegan's painting of Cherries, has to be seen!!