I'm completely okay with falling in love at 20 something Really I am because falling into a love that is as beautiful and as deep as I long for is not one for fools it's not one for anyone who isn't a believer of battles, who isn't a carrier of the willful belief that "only the strong survive" Quite frankly I believe although survival itself is human instinct it also is one for people of pain because if you hadn't known of heart break how'd you ever make it out alive in the first place? If you hadn't learned about paper cuts and small stings how'd you ever know a sticky piece of paper was all you need to mend one wound? If you ask me that sounds a bit like fighting fire with fire But maybe that's okay Maybe it's okay to have your heart broken when you're young so maybe you won't be so naive to shallow waters the next time you come across them And maybe it's okay to let someone claw their way through your soul -- Just make sure the lights not to dim Make sure you know when to set the table for two But make sure you know when dinner with your thoughts is okay too I've realized this now all this time later You can't mold someone into your idea of the perfect storybook lover but you can love them for all that they are when it's your turn And I'm completely okay with falling in love at 20 something