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Sep 2010
Aint it funny when you think, that you're all alone,
in a room so empty, there's nobody home.
But in a place close by, there's a deafening tone
Coz inside your head there's a war going on.

Running over conversations, some that i've had,
others i've made up, that are driving me mad,
where once they were good, my head turns them bad.
All the people, places and things, i can't control,
a voice tells me otherwise, it's destroying my soul.

Like the father, the son and the holy ghost,
there are three of us now,which one should i listen to most?
Just like the image on the big picture screen,
the good and bad on the sides, and me in between.

I want them stop, all the shouting and noise,
to cease all the chaos hiding deep behind my eyes.
Just for once, couldn't they just all agree,
and with some peace, just leave me be.

But it's a request that's easier said than done,
for these relentless voices in my head is their home.
Asking them to hush or even to leave,
seems to me an incredible impossibility.

Then one day all of a sudden, something became apparent,
A friend looked at me, as if my head were transparent.
Described all the madness that inside was going on,
as if they had lived here too all along.

At last in the world i didn't feel so alone,
And slowly but surely a little peace came to my home.
In the house where lived not only me,
but the many voices that spoke horrendously.
Of this prison with invisible walls, i was set free.
No longer would i argue with him, her and me.

Is this a miracle? i asked of my new friend,
Because this fight is one, i thought would never end.
She said maybe so, you can call it what you like,
but one thing i know, you will sleep good tonight.

So many questions i have for her now,
Of why this has stopped, i beg tell me how.
She said just relax, just let it be,
you've heard of sleeping dogs, they lie beside me.
And i dare not disturb, i tread easily.

But i know any minute, that they could awake.
And again once inside, the battle could break,
into a full scale war, like it was once before,
so again just leave it be, don't open the door.

Don't even hover around it, or peek through the keyhole,
because what's behind this door will terrify your soul.
Just know that's it there, but you don't need it now,
this is only answer to your question of how.

She also reminded me that i shouldn't forget,
what hasn't happened now, could still happen yet.
And to remember what invited, those scary voices in
but keeping the door locked, won’t let it happen again.

Although they remain the father, son, and the holy ghost.
Today, for one day, I have a higher power i listen to most.
And the feeling of complete loneliness is gone,
and it's thanks to my friend, i am happy at home.
Both outside and in, the torture has ceased
and all of the gifts in my life, have so increased
because now inside, the fight, battle and war are deceased.
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