Not all monsters have bodies no, some monsters are whispers in the middle of the night the whispers which never stop they come rising up from the pit of your stomach the back of your neck and the lungs in your chest these monstrous whispers creeping in from open window on full moon nights they say the things which we know aren’t right but we believe anyway these voices they say things like you are not good enough just give up know when enough is enough they laugh in moments of silence come creeping in with self-doubt not a whimper not a shout just a sense of stillness when the lights go out keeping you up at night on the edge of a knife too exhausted to keep up the fight you worry how long will these monsters have their foothold in the panicked pounding of my eardrums? these monsters which spit on self-love and lick their gums at the sight of a broken down frown of a person wound too tight but these monsters don’t have bodies arms legs claws and fangs these monsters are just voices all you have to do is drown them out