Pitch of morning agony and music of blue evolution passing day blowing up against dam before lunch my love, ha! feed me that in that hour and i’ll be ready- for every onslaught to slop its remains on my face as it disappears give me just that one lunch where i can get ****** on by london by straight and complex water and feel at home, and we’ll have no hell with my small life, i’ll connect my eyes with yours and listen to everyone of your beats, even though i prefer to be dancing chin dug into collar striking, its all good-
gimme your hand and we’ll chance it my dear, wheels and quiet road gripping, and we walk fast home as it storms and shines and the worlds smile private to us sliding away up on still elevator with all the imaginations of advertisements not important-
we’re drenched and it’s good a thousand hawks come and it’s good
and who ever made those walls was a genius, he knew that in time there would be people painting and ******* them down
we’re canvases warped brought forward
by those before us who used their own flesh to threaten the darkness
and that shape is perfect if you’re lucky and the coyotes dance disobediently when you try and stop them
we’re shaped by the face we sleep beside know it inside its bleeding parts know it so thoroughly that it kills you whilst living bleeding into the rest giving life
And that
will not be your name or what you know
ice bergs grow covering every motor part for miles unable to lick under their own white grills forgetting that we’re all on fire-
and the meteorites will do the same and play the kind of deadly songs that bring us close.