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Sep 2010
I Remember:
Thinking I was watching a horror movie,
This couldn’t be happening, not here, not now.
I Remember:
Reaching up to find tears on my face
Calling my husband to ask him if this was real,
And his awful answer; “Yes.”
I Remember:
Staring at the television all day long,
Not daring to leave, afraid to move, so afraid.
Watching those planes fly into the buildings over and over again.
I Remember:
The eerie silence that night as no planes were flying.
The fear I felt as we heard a fighter jet fly low over our house.
I asked my husband, “Is it ours?  Is it ours?”
His arms tightening around me.
His answer.
“I hope so.”
I Remember and I Will Never Forget!
9/10/2010  Peggy Montgomery
Dark Paradox
Written by
Dark Paradox
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