There were many questions that swirled around my mind, And my mind almost always seemed to drift to these riddles every night before I fell asleep. They were questions that were always left unanswered, Always left floating midair and in between space and reality. One was whether or not I wanted to grow up, The other was if I still loved him, Another was if I could ever come into terms with the idea of moving on and loving someone else. I never liked moving on from the past, And I always seemed to move backwards in my memory, Replaying all the recorded scenes of life when I was two years old. I paused and rewinded, paused and rewinded, paused and rewinded — As if that would help time slow down and stick to the better half of my life. Well, that wasn’t the case and the world seemed to have a mind of her own. She played the tape and fast forwarded into the future, Never once letting me have a second to pause and take a breather. He moved on like a natural disaster, A beautiful creation made by Mother Earth herself, And he was too engrossed in his own superiority that he forgot to take my hand and lead me to safety. I loved him in many ways and more than my toes and fingers combined. He was a beautiful creature, Almost ethereal to the point that I was too afraid to reach out and grasp him. I loved him in a way more intimate than a mother loving her child, Someone who sacrifices everything for her loved one’s happiness and to protect him from seeing the dangers of the world. I loved him more than a mother carrying her unborn child in her womb, A baby soon to be born into the unknown and into a life full of endless questions that can never be answered. I loved him more than a barren woman who craved only to hold her own blood in her hands but never seeming to get what she wanted. I loved him more than anything, And yet he always found a way to leave before I could even utter the three words, the three syllables, that have become so accustomed to sitting on my lips.