Good things come to those who wait. You are more than a good thing, and as long as I know you'll be there, I will wait for as long as you need.
I anticipate you taking the next step; giving me the signal that the coast is clear and that I can come out.
I'm looking forward to holding your thin warm body. Your arms over mine, as I grab on to your back, feeling your neck on my face, and your chest on my neck.
I can't wait to look into your eyes. Mine are brown, what are yours?
I anticipate kissing those soft thick lips of yours. The same lips that stretch when you smile, and when you laugh. The same lips that I want to feel against mine, as well as my neck and forehead.
I'm looking forward to your breathe and your heartbeat; to feel the expansion from every inhale, and every contraction from every exhale. To feel your living, to your existence.
I can't wait to be one of your reasons. You inspire me to inspire you. I want you to feel okay, I want you to feel confident.