A lot of my poems are about love. the kind of love that works to give and not take it's hard to describe that love and I couldn't, for a while, but I think I can do it now. Love. it binds us together you give all you can and when you can't give any more, you keep giving. and when they fail to give, you FORgive. you give FOR them. and you put others first and you swear their heart is pure when it's not because that's what love does because it shows them that you believe their heart is pure. and that's worth more than anything. and you trust in their heart and you hold it gently in yours and when they fail you, you hold their heart even more tenderly so that they may heal. This kind of love is selfless, and exists solely for the benefit of others, and it is eternal, ever-flowing, Christ-given, all-knowing. This kind of love is hard, and the path to find it is long, but if you give, and don't expect anything in return, you will be happy. and everyone around you will be happy.