Two worlds we see but but chose not to acknowledge One of truth and one of impression One of the mind and one of tongue The uncomfortable truth that we are not who we say
Wood does not become a chair through words but by labor Grain does not become bread by command but by task And neither does a man care by claiming to
A word is only moving air Its impact negligible Its significance alone, nothing Its use, only to remind of something once done
One lie is told most of all from day to day by us all The lie, the word, the essence of what has been but was lost This is love No other word has the potential to mean so much Yet is used without depth or meaning
A tool of deception A tool of control The carpenter is one who wishes for what once was The buyer a creature blinded by hope
To instead act in love without the word Truly if the bond is real neither will seek an empty promise But instead will look in awe of the truth that is shared
Reality is can be seen easily in silence But is distorted by well intended lies Emotions invoked by words help us believe what we want Instead of what see to be truth We hide behind a curtain of denial